Pastel peach soft play package with a choice of ice pastel castle
(Soft Play is INSIDE ONLY unless under a marquee)
Soft play is for babies and toddlers only
Soft play mat 10 ft x 10 ft or 10 ft x 12 ft
Pastel Roof Castles – children only (10 and under)
12 ft W x 15 ft L x 9.5 ft H
Adult supervision required at all times
NO - face paint, glitter, balloon, confetti, streamers, party poppers - due to staining
Please see our FAQs and our terms of hire
If you have any questions please contact us
NO Face Paint/Glitter/Balloon Confetti/Silly String/Party Poppers - On 'ANY Hire' As Stains
Quick and easy way to check & book your products online
To speak with us, call 07956 838687, email hire@bjsbouncycastles.com or visit our contact page.